It's Time To Do It Differently.
It's Time For True Mentorship, Coaching and Real Accountability.
Hit the Volume Icon On the Right to Find Out How

If You're Stuck, Frustrated and Overwhelmed in Practice and Can't Seem To Breakthrough, It's Time to SHIFT Your Practice In Just 90 Days... GUARANTEED!
A small hand full of DC's Will Train With Dr. David Jackson Personally. For 90 Days We'll Meet Live on Zoom Every Tuesday & Thursday for 60 Minutes. We'll Dig Into the 4 Keys Areas of Your Success: Mindset, Care Plans, Conversion Without Selling and Retention. No Hype and No Fluff... Just Proven Results.
Your Experience, Growth & Results Are GUARANTEED
Or You Pay Nothing.
Hey Doc, my name is Dr. David Jackson.
You're likely on this page because you're stuck. No one likes to admit they are, but you're either stuck, or you're struggling.
The worst case scenario is you've downsized your goals, your dreams and your aspirations to mediocrity so that you can feel better about yourself.
I know what it's like to feel frustrated, to feel pain, to be stuck and burnt out. I failed nine times in practice. I burnt my diploma in a garbage can and I became an auto mechanic.
One True Mentor cared enough to pull me back in and I learned a lot. I got back into practice and I was able to build a 7 Figure Cash practice in just 17 hours a week and I want to show you how to do whatever you want to do.
So Doc, if you're stuck and struggling and you've tried it all- you've followed the gurus and coaches, you've joined the communities and programs (maybe even mine!) and they just didn't seem to get you traction.
Because you need something unique. Something different. Something more intense. You need a massive shift.
Doc, I'm hosting a very special Live 90 Day Training for a very small handful of chiros that starts Sept. 6th.
It's called Shift 90 and I'm going to nurture and hold your hand the entire way through this 90 day process. We're going live on Zoom every Tuesday and every Thursday at 1:30 Central. Can't make it live? Not a problem. We'll record it all and put it into membership site for you to access anytime.
Over the course of this 90 days, we'll spend 30 plus hours together. I am going to hold you accountable to the dreams, aspirations and life that you actually deserve... the life that you may have forgotten about. Regardless of where you are now, where you went to school, what your problems are or what kind of practice you have, we are going to dig in and we're going to isolate the Four Keys to Your Success.
The content I share and the accountability from this small group is going to break you through... Period.
The First Key we'll cover is your Mindset. I'm the best in the profession at finding your above Atlas subluxations. We will find them, identify them and replace them with powerful BEliefs. I wrote the bestselling book on the subject- The Truth Will Do. Doc, I got this. You got this. We got this.
The second Key is Care Plans. I know you have a care plan, but the average care plan for the stuck and struggling chiropractor, is "We'll see you a few times to see how it goes".
We're going to take you step by step through individual care plans, family care plans, wellness care plans, and do it the right way. Cash insurance combinations. You're going to know everything you need to give you comfort and certainty as you deliver Epic Care Plans.
The third Key we're going to dig into is Conversion Communication. You don't need scare care. You don't need scripts, you don't need sleazy tactics. You don't need to be the best communicator in the world either- you need to be authentic and skilled at closing the gap between what people want and what they need. I can promise you, we're going to spend several days digging into this.
We're going to go over Day 1. We're going to go over Day 2. In fact, you're going to send me recordings during this process of your Day 1, Day 2, and I'm going to personally pick them apart and improve your game big time!
I'll play them back, freeze frame and let you know where where you nailed it, where you lost it and where you're going to get better. We're going to get into this thing with no holds barred. So on Monday, you're better. You're different. You're Epic.
The fourth key you're going to master is Retention. The average retention of chiropractic is 12 visits. I don't know what yours is- yet. Mine was 9 when I started. With the exact strategies I will teach you, I ended up close to 130 Patient Visit Average. Do the math... how would even a fraction of that growth change your life?
There's a proven process to it that I've taught thousands of chiropractors and I can teach it to you, doc.
I'm also holding several bonus sessions. They're all about low to the ground marketing- zero cost, referral based, proven strategies that are going to get you an extra 5, 10, 20 patients just over the course of 90 days and untold amounts as you continue to do it after the 90 day process.
When you take immediate action and register for Shift 90 today, I'm going to include a huge bonus legitimately valued at $2,000. As a Shifter, you'll be invited to join us at my home in Del Mar (San Diego), California for a Live Two Day Intense Training. It will be a hands on, roll up our sleeves, full bore, in-person training, and we are going to assure that you've got exactly what you need to succeed... Big Time.
You'll also have unlimited access to me and my support in our private Shift 90 app and unlimited email support. Your success is my success. I'm here to help you break through and in 90 days, I guarantee you will do just that.
In fact, if you have any hesitation, if the investment seems like it's a lot then you really need this program! Your tuition is just ONE solid care plan and I'm going to help you get dozens and dozens... hundreds over the years, of solid care plans.
So it's not about the investment. It's about your desire to truly break through. And not only am I going to support you in that process, I will guarantee your results!
Simply attend all the live sessions with me, do the work and if you don't feel like you're poised for a breakthrough, or that you've already had your breakthrough, I'll refund your money in full... No questions asked.
There's a lot of information on this page. There's a full agenda below... check it out but...
DON'T HESITATE... this is a very limited opportunity. That's not hype, that's control. I'm keeping this group small because I'm going to hold you accountable. I'm going to know you and you're going to know me and I will help you get results where you have struggled before.
Doc, if you're ready to shift, if you're ready to grow, if you're ready to truly be epic and create the life you've always deserved but have never been able to have. Let's do it together. Shift 90. I'll see you on the inside.
What We're Doing
- 90 Day Breakthrough Intensive with Practice Success Expert Dr. David Jackson
- Live Interactive Coaching Twice Weekly (T & Th- All Sessions Recorded & Posted in Your Members Area)
- Small Group Focused with Direct Attention, Mentorship and Accountability
- 30+ Hours of Strategic Guidance from the Best in the Profession- Guaranteed to Grow Your Practice
Who It's For
- The Stuck, Struggling Or Overwhelmed Doc... Tired of Where They Are and Ready to Work to Finally Breakthrough
- Wanting to Grow Past Your Current Volume of serving 50-200 Patient Visits a Week
- Wanting to Increase Collections (and Profit) Way Beyond Your Current $5k-$30k a Month
- Wanting to Increase Your New Patients Well Beyond Your Current 5-20 New Patients a Month
- Tried It All: Online Programs, Products, and Communities... With Little to No Results
- Wanting to Build YOUR Epic Life: Balanced, Stress Free, Financially Free
How We're Doing It
- We'll Meet Live (Zoom) Every T &Th at 1:30 Central: All Sessions Recorded & Posted in Your Members Area
- We Will Dig Into the 4 Keys to Breakthrough: Dr David Will BE There With You Every Step of the Way
- Key #1- Your Mindset Matters: Above Atlas Adjustments to Build Certainty, Confidence & Clarity
- Key #2- Creating Care Plans that Work: Simple, Results Driven, Profitable, Cash-Based
- Key #3- Converting BEliefs: Own Your Day 1 and Day 2 Process Proven to Create Impact
- Key #4- Double Your Retention: Remove Your Revolving Door and Create Lifetime Care Patients
Why Dr. David?
- He's Been There! Dr. David Turned Falling 9x Into Epic Success (7 figure cash practice in 17 hours/week)
- Dr. David Has Helped Over 8K DC's Transform His Authentic Approach, Insights and Proven Results are Unmatched
- No Fluff, No BS- Dr. David Tells It Like It Is He's Not Here to Be Your Friend- He's Committed to YOUR Success
- His Innovative Thinking, Actions and Experience Are Legendary Past President of CLA, Co-Founder of Lifebook, Founder of the First and Largest Online Training Program for DC's
- His Unique Methods are Proven: No Outdated Strategies or Scripts that Don't Work. Results are Proven
- Dr. David Is Committed to YOU The Small Group Format of Shift 90 is the Difference Maker!
September 6th: Assets, Expectations & Accountability [KEY #1- MINDSET]
You'll get crystal clear on the Tools, Truths and Results that you will own during this 30 hour intensive training. During this intimate live session, Dr. David will lay out your specific care plan to remove the interferences to your success and a proven strategy that you can and will follow to Shift and Breakthrough.
September 8th: The 4 Keys To Your Breakthrough [KEY #1- MINDSET]
Fuzzy targets don't get hit and overwhelm shuts you down. In session #2 we'll be on Zoom live and Dr. David will lay out the Four Keys you need to succeed. He will also work with you on a detailed strategy map to assure you focus on less yet actually get more. We'll simplify your processes and assure your success.
September 13th: Next Level Mindset [KEY #1- MINDSET]
In this session you'll discover the single most important aspect of breakthrough- getting your mindset right. Dr. David will have you discover what it feels like to have an above atlas adjustment from a master and leave with more clarity and confidence than ever before
September 15th: 10X ROI- 4 Day Cash Machine Email Marketing [Bonus Key- Marketing]
In this special live session you will get access and complete instruction to launch a special series of 4 emails proven to bring in 5-10 new patients nearly every time you use it. You'll get the exact copy, the system to execute and the scripting for you team to schedule the resulting new patients
September 20th: Beliefs > Habits > Behaviors > Results [KEY #1- MINDSET]
You are struggle to succeed in breaking through to your Epic Life is an effect. Today we identify the true cause but utilizing Dr. David's proprietary BHBR process and we'll fix the crap that's been holding you back... now. This is a monumental breakthrough day that will result in more clarity and true hope than ever before.
September 22nd: Care Plans that Work- Simple, Affordable and Profitable [KEY #2- CARE PLANS]
Every patient that walks into your office WANTS to Feel Better, Tomorrow and have someone else (insurance) pay for it. What they NEED is to Function Better, for the rest of their life and be responsible for it. Closing the gap is the job of the Care Plan and today you'll nail your plans.
September 27th: Individual and Family Care Plans [KEY #2- CARE PLANS]
During this training, Dr. David will hold your hand and walk you through the process of designing and finishing your customized Initial Care Plans for individuals and families. You will gain confidence and ease knowing that your plans work for your community (are affordable) and you (are massively profitable). Game changer.
Sept 30/Oct 1st: 10x ROI- In-Person Live Epic Event- Del Mar, CA [BONUS KEY- 10X ROI] October 4th: Insurance Independence and Converting to Cash [KEY #1 MINDSET]
Very special opportunity to Join Dr. David Live in San Diego for a full day and a half of intense training. No theory here- it's time to role up your sleeves and shift. From hot seats to role play, you will leave this weekend fired up, equipped and more confident than ever in your mission to Serve More, Make More and BE More.
October 4th: Insurance Independence and Converting to Cash [KEY #1 MINDSET]
I've never met a chiropractor that wants to play the insurance game but most get caught up in it and it's a losing game. Whether you are ready to completely convert to 100% cash or you simply know that being less dependent on a third party is a good idea, Dr. David will share his expertise that has helped over 3,000 chiropractors 'go cash' and smile all the way to the bank.
October 6th: 10X ROI- WOW Follow Ups [BONUS KEY- MARKETING]
What does a new patient actually tell their spouse about their visit with you? The reality is underwhelming at best. Your opportunity to craft the 'description' into something that positions you in a category of 'wow' is unprecedented. Today we crush this!
October 11th: The 4 Communication Styles. {KEY #3- COMMUNICATION]
There are 4 communication 'styles' (languages). The successful DC must recognize which of the 4 is sitting in front of them and speak in their language. If the DC sucks at this, their numbers will show it. When they rock at it (you will today), your numbers will blow up.
October 13th: BEing Socratic- Conversion to BEief [KEY #3- COMMUNICATION]
Your patients will only take continued actions when they are congruent with their belief systems. Mastering the art of Socratic Communication has people take ownership of THEIR beliefs as opposed to pushing them to behave in a certain way. Your end results will be Conversion to Plan and massive Impact.
October 18th: Day 1 Strategies- the Epic Consultation [KEY #3- COMMUNICATION]
Day One and Done. There's no need for scripts, manipulation or BS to 'close' a new patient. Day 1 is the time to Always Be Opening and Dr. David will guide you through the exact steps and questions to ask your patients to assure they go home hoping you found the cause of their problem.
October 20th: Day 1 Strategies- Exam, Assessment and Transition [KEY #3- COMMUNICATION]
Closing the gap between 'feeling better' and 'functioning better' begins on Day 1. Your exam and more precisely your communication around it is a key in getting people face down and committed to their care plan. This sessions strategies will leave you (and them) clear and decisive for Day 2
October 25th: Day 2 Strategies- Reconnect, Reflect and Relate [KEY #3- COMMUNICATION]
Patients don't want to be radiologist or neurologists. They want to know what's wrong, why, how you can fix it, how long it will take and how much it will cost. Dr. David will guide you step by step through this critical phase of relating your findings assuring that the logical choice is accepting your care plan.
October 27th: Day 2 Strategies- The 7 Figure Diagram [KEY #3- COMMUNICATION]
'A picture is worth a thousand words'. Your patients must shift their beliefs to truly 'get it' and become lifetime chiropractic patients. The 7 Figure Diagram is a simple and powerful tool that will have your patients not only seeing the light, but making the right decisions immediately... to commit to care in your office.
November 1st: Day 2- Recommend, Commit & Adjust [KEY #3- COMMUNICATION]
'Telling the Story' is an outdated idea in chiropractic. Patients don't want to be told anything, they want you to understand THEIR story and help make it a better one. Your recommendations for care, their commitment and your first adjustment are the keystones of both of your success. We'll nail them today.
It's time for more new patients and in this session, Dr. David will teach you an absolutely time-tested and proven referral strategy that works nearly every time. Executed at Day 2, this referral strategy will have parents bringing in their kids the following week as you watch your new patient numbers double. -
November 3rd: 10X ROI- Day 2 Referral Strategy. [BONUS KEY- MARKETING]
It's time for more new patients and in this session, Dr. David will teach you an absolutely time-tested and proven referral strategy that works nearly every time. Executed at Day 2, this referral strategy will have parents bringing in their kids the following week as you watch your new patient numbers double.
November 8th: Fix It- Live Day 1 Video Analysis & Optimization [KEY #3- COMMUNICATION]
This session will prove to be worth the price of admission. Dr. David will go through actual recordings of live Day 1's sent in by you and frame by frame, he will point out where you nailed it and where you got nailed. We'll fix the faults and you'll gain confidence beyond measure.
November 10th: Fix It- Live Day 2 Video Analysis & Optimization [KEY #3- COMMUNICATION]
Today we dive into YOUR Day 2 recordings with real patients. Dr. David will take you through frame by frame- complimenting, correcting and optimizing. He will provide candid live feedback of where you nailed it and where you lost it all so you can tweak your Day 2 process to Shift your conversions even higher.
November 15th: Scheduling for Success & BElief Based Table Talk [KEY #4- RETENTION]
To truly shift to the next level, you have to think ahead and anticipate moves. In today's session, Dr. David will take you through the essentials of an Epic schedule that serves them and you. We will also dive into daily Table Talk to keep you and your patients focused on the prize and increase your retention.
November 17th: Progress Evaluations & Progress Reports [KEY #4- RETENTION]
Integrating an Epic Progress Evaluation and Report is a massive key to building relationships and therefor retention in your practice. In this session Dr. David will take you through the exact tests, communications and questions to assure your patients are on track and stay committed to their results and care plan.
November 22nd: Wellness Plans (individual & family) [KEY #2- CARE PLANS]
Many DC's dream of a 'wellness practice' yet their wellness plans make it impossible to truly profit and become financially free. Dr. David will take you step by step through the process of setting up your family wellness plans to offer simplicity and ease and assure that they (and you) are as profitable as possible.
November 29th: Transition to Lifetime Wellness {KEY #4- RETENTION]
Transitioning to wellness begins at Day 2, not the last day of the patients care plan! Dr. David will map out the entire process and communication strategies with you so that you can count on a 90% transition to wellness with your patients and a seamless transition from their restorative care.
The Requirements
- A Burning Desire to Transform Your Life as You Know It... True Breakthrough
- A Fierce Commitment to BE Disciplined and to BE Held Accountable So You Get Results
- A Willingness to Unlearn, Let Go of Old Habits and Create the Life You Deserve,/b>
- A Desire to Get Uncomfortable and Push Yourself
- A Feeling in Your Gut That It's YOUR Time to Step Into YOUR Epic Life
The Investment
- 1 payment of $2,497 (save $291) or 3 Payments of just $897. That Just ONE Proper Care Plan
- For the cost of just One Additional Care Plan (and I guarantee you'll get a hell of a lot more than that), you will implement more from this 90 Day Breakthrough Intensive (and get better results) than anything else you've done.
- There are no "upsells" or anything else to buy. You are investing in an asset that will provide a massive ROI for years to come. Shift 90 isn't a like all the BS out there for a few hundred bucks... it's REAL Coaching with REAL results. Only docs who are serious about breakthrough will be in your group.
- Your Success is Guaranteed. You have absolutely NOTHING to lose... Attend each live coaching session and if you don't agree that you and your practice recouped your investment, Dr. David will personally refund your tuition. We are 100% confident I can help you where others have failed. It's YOUR time to gain financial freedom by investing in YOU
- I can't make you do the work.... that's up to YOU. II can promise to provide an Epic learning experience and accountability as you discover a new and simple approach to growing your practice. This approach has been proven with over a thousand DC's, but I'm certainly not implying you'll have the same experience others have had... unless you do the work! I've been doing this for 2 decades and the skillsets I'm going to teach you are something that will serve you FAR into the future. The skills you learn here CANNOT be taken away from you and your commitment will change your life.